February 2025
Happy February 2025. This month we have Valentine’s Day on a Friday followed by President’s Day for a Monday holiday.
For most of January, I was laid up with a cold, so I was unable to come up with many ideas for a February tidbit. However, since I was laying about, I was watched plenty of YouTube videos. Voila! I came up with the idea to give you some options for free stuff that is available to us all. This tidbit gives you a place to find free charts for calculating binding needs with the math done for you, a place to find free patterns for quilt blocks, and a place to find free layouts for quilts with all the math done for you.
See complete details of this Educational TidBits and many others on the Educational TidBits |
Time: | 1:00pm | |
Location: | Clubhouse 4     | |
For Laguna Woods Village residents and their guests only | ||
Long-Arm Quilting Services
Ona a Statler Gammil Machine
Offered locally by Quilting for Generations
Susan and John Haushalter
Gate 11 Laguna Woods
Crazy Quilter Members:
10% off quilting services For Crazy Quilters
Please e-mail the Webmaster for any problems with the website or any questions: webmaster@crazyquiltersguild.org