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January-February 2020
December 2019
January 2020





Online Newsletter
This month there is your President's report from Vicki Nardone, the Membership report from Linda Nelson,  lots of pictures from the Holiday party in December and show and tell at the January meeting and Mona Bonbright's Educational Tidbit.

This newsletter contains the same type of information normally found in a paper newsletter.  To use the newsletter you simply click on an item of interest from the Contents column on the left.  You can click on a section heading (such as or ) to see the latest monthly report.  When you make your selection, the information in this column will be replaced with the details of that item.

By the way, don't forget that you can see a larger version of most pictures by simply clicking on them.  This will switch you to a slide show presentation for all the photos on the page.  In the slide show you can move between the pictures by clicking on the pointing hand (left/previous, right/next) and close the slide show window by clicking the red X in the upper right corner.  And the magnifying glass? 

If you'd prefer viewing the newsletter as a PDF, click on the Full Paper Copy (PDF) button above.  But please keep in mind that the online version has  many more pictures!

multi color stripe
Please e-mail the Webmaster for any problems with the website or any questions: webmaster@crazyquiltersguild.org

December 2019
January 2020